愛表演的Kids Class
Theater-loving Kids in Kids Class
台灣 Taiwan | 紀錄片 Documentary | 2010 | 10min
台東劇團 Taitung Theatre
4/5 (一) 10:20誠品信義
世界首映 World Premiere
五位愛表演的小朋友,愛玩、愛秀,站在舞台上,努力呈現最好的一面。生活即是表演,表演無所不在。台東劇團小朋友藝術教室「愛表演的Kids Class」,請給這幾位小朋友最熱烈的掌聲,因為他們勇敢的站上舞台,表達自己。年紀雖小,勇氣十足,用他們的方式說出不一樣的童年歲月!
These five acting-loving kids have so much fun. On the stage, they are brave to try something new and do their best. To them, life is a form of performance; and everywhere is a stage. As young as they are, they have the courage to live a childhood different from others. Please give them your applause.