A Light In The Darkness


日本 Japan | 2008 | 29min
玄真行 Masayuki Gen

4/4() 1800 誠品信義 



Satoshi Fukushima is the first deaf-blind person in Japan to pass a univerity entrance exam. Losing his eyesight at 9 and his hearing at 18, Fukushima has learned more than most people about overcoming adversity.

Tell Us About Your Life is a weekly series produced by Japan’s NHK since 1998. It features prominent leaders in various fields as they return to their elementary schools for a special two-day extracurricular activity.

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Welcome Back, Old Boy!


日本 Japan | 2004 | 32min
小林淳子 Junko Kobayashi

 4/3() 1730信義威秀12



 Maggy Shiro is a top magician who combines magic tricks with a humorous chitchat. He reveals how his success as a talkative magician came from an insecurity at childhood.

Tell Us About Your Life
is a weekly series produced by Japan’s NHK since 1998. It features prominent leaders in various fields as they return to their elementary schools for a special two-day extracurricular activity.


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Conquer The World With Smile Power! 


日本 Japan | 2004 | 32min
植田裕久Hirohisa Ueda

 4/3() 1730信義威秀12                           


 War-zone photographer Hiromi Nagakura believes that the first gesture towards may be the human smile. In this episode, Hagakura gives the students cameras and turns them loose on the city "to photograph the smiling face of a total stranger.

Tell Us About Your Life
is a weekly series produced by Japan’s NHK since 1998. It features prominent leaders in various fields as they return to their elementary schools for a special two-day extracurricular activity.


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Crazy Manga 


日本 Japan | 2006 | 29min
金井沙織 Saori Kanai

4/2() 1200 誠品信義
國際首映 International Premiere



In the 1990's, manga artist Sensya Yoshida created a cult-like movement with his comic series Uturun Desu. Today, he returns to his alma mater to show how humor, spontaneity, and a bit of quirkiness can lead to success. 

Tell Us About Your Life
is a weekly series produced by Japan’s NHK since 1998. It features prominent leaders in various fields as they return to their elementary schools for a special two-day extracurricular activity.

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Mapping Our Dreams


日本 Japan | 2007 | 29min
野村太Futoshi Nomura

4/2() 1200 誠品信義
國際首映 International Premiere



Toshio Suzuki heads the world renown animation studio Studio Ghibli. Working with Hayao Miyazaki in creating phenomenon like Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea (2008) and Spirited Away (2001), he demonstrates the art of mapping one's dreams.

Tell Us About Your Life
is a weekly series produced by Japan’s NHK since 1998. It features prominent leaders in various fields as they return to their elementary schools for a special two-day extracurricular activity.

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Fun with Hakka, Learn about Science–Earthen Thresher


Taiwan 2009 DigiBeta Color 23’
製作人 Producer | 劉世傑 Liu Shih-chieh

4/4() 1020 誠品信義



What is a Earthen Thresher? Most students today probably have no idea! Hakka ancestors lived mostly on the farm, and a Earthen Thresher was essential to each household. Its main function is to remove rice husks and obtain the nutritious brown rice (or rough rice). But ever since the introduction of electric-thrashers, manual Earthen Threshers have lost its popularity.

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Journey through the Palace Museum - Ancient Pillow Children


Taiwan 2008 DigiBeta Color 16’
導演 Director | 胡道明
  Hu Dao-min

4/4() 1020 誠品信義

你相信故宮博物院裡面有很多超過一千歲的小朋友嗎?《故宮奇航》將帶大家去認識這些千年小孩,有一黃一白兩個可愛的嬰兒枕,他們會告訴大家為什麼他們是雙胞胎,顏色卻不一樣; 還可以看到一百多個小男孩在大花園裡面玩遊戲,看看他們的小朋友玩什麼樣的遊戲,穿什麼衣服,過什麼樣的生活。中國古代認為多子多孫多福氣,所以不管是嬰兒枕,或是百子圖,都是應運而生的生活藝術品,滿足大家想要生出小男孩的心理唷!

Did you know that many 1,000-year-old children live inside the National Palace Museum in Taiwan? “Ancient Pillow Children” brings us to the forbidden corners of the museum to meet these playful kids from the past. A pair of twins from the Song Dynasty tells the secret of why they look the same, but have different colorings. A hundred boys in the garden show us the games they play in different seasons.

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Olympig–Summer Night Adventure


Taiwan 2009 DigiBeta Color 18’
導演 Director | 黃鴻儒 Aires Huang

4/4() 1020 誠品信義


Have you ever confronted your fears? Under the guidance of an animal expert, an 11-year-old boy sets foot into the forest for the very first time in search of cute frogs and venomous snakes. Not only does he have the adventure of his life, he also gets a chance to confront his fear of snakes. Will he conquer the obstacle? What other interesting creatures will he meet? A children's expedition is about to take place as the night falls.


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The Little Sun


Taiwan 2009 DigiBeta | Color 22’

導演 Director | 邱立偉 Chiu Li-wei

4/4() 1020 誠品信義

在陰冷潮濕的台北雨季中,小太陽究竟在哪裡?《小太陽》動畫影影集,改編台灣名作家林良原著《小太陽》,將這段由1956至1970年,跨越整整十四年並見證台灣社會生活的精采故事,在這本書中記錄了人生中的許多可貴的「第一次」, 這些生活中不能重來、可貴感人的片段,林良特有流暢的文筆,詼諧幽默的筆觸,栩栩如生地一一刻畫出來,紀錄了一個小家庭在點點滴滴的生活瑣事中,耐人尋味的幸福;如今以動畫型式呈現這一對父母、三個女兒、和一隻狗的「六口之家」的精采故事。

This animation series illustrates Taiwan’s society in the 14 years between 1956 and 1970.  Focusing on a six-member family, 13 episodes altogether tell the splendid stories of the two parents, three daughters and a dog. The series is adopted from the short story collection, “Little Sun” – Taiwanese writer Linliang’s most popular prose collection which received literature awards.


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My Family


台灣 Taiwan 2007 DigiBeta | Color 9’
Yisheng Elementary School, Taoyuan County

4/1() 1145 誠品信義、4/3() 1030誠品信義


A heartfelt narrative by an 11-year-old girl from a poor Aborigines family with two hardworking parents, a kid brother who’s handicapped, another who’s gay, and a dozen of animals on their farm.


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The Princess's Journey


台灣 Taiwan 2007 DigiBeta 8’
南投縣親愛國小萬大分校 Chin Ai Primary School, Wanda Branch, Nantou County

4/1() 1145 誠品信義、4/3() 1030誠品信義


Two second-grade girls are on their way into the city, where they will visit the market, shops, and attend their piano lessons. With their video cameras, they record the fun things that happen along the way.

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Our Babies – Yan-Yan and Da-Siung


台灣 Taiwan 2007 DigiBeta | 13’
苗栗縣景山國小 Jingshan Elementary School, Miaoli County

4/1() 1145 誠品信義、4/3() 1030誠品信義


Yan-Yan is one of the nine students in our class. He is autistic, likes computers and cars, and is adamant and stubborn about almost everything else. Da-Siung has been diagnosed with moderate mental retardation and dreams to be a professional basketball player. These two are the babies in our class and our treasured friends. It’s almost graduation, and together, we will document our friendships.

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After-School Hours in the Village


台灣 Taiwan 2007 DigiBeta 8’
嘉義縣貴林國小 Guei Lin Elementary School, Jiayi County

4/1() 1145 誠品信義、4/3() 1030誠品信義


Children from the countryside –like us– speak the Taiwanese dialect, don’t go to afterschool programs, and don’t attend talent classes. We get to ride around on our bicycles looking for adventures and secret hiding spots. We find baby rats and many other interesting characters and stories in our community. We have a different after school experience from kids in the city.

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New Kid'ing


台灣 Taiwan 2009 DigiBeta 2’
惠林弱勢家庭兒童課後陪讀班 Hueilin Foundation

4/1() 1145 誠品信義、4/3() 1030誠品信義


Danshui, which is located beside the ocean, often experiences strong winds and heavy rain during a typhoon.  A group of kids become journalists for a day and give a satirical report on one such typhoon.

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Fruity Pie–Box of Secrets


台灣 Taiwan 2009 DigiBeta Color 26’
製作人 Producer | 林瓊芬
Lin Chiung-fen 

4/4() 1020 誠品信義

本集故事從一個絕對不能偷看的盒子開始,緊密的盒子引發所有人的好奇心,紛紛想要一窺究竟,可是就在水果奶奶不注意的時候,盒子竟然打開了,並且讓大家恍然大悟。 本集除了可以欣賞到有趣的水果劇場之外,還能一起走訪法國巴黎,認識活潑的小男孩法多里和他的大象多多、三名廚藝高強的師徒、無時無地不忘打瞌睡的無尾熊一家人,以及充滿冒險氛圍的海盜船等,每個單元都是一個奇想,都期望帶給幼兒無數歡樂。

There is a box you can’t peak into! Naturally, our curiosity is heightened by the tightly closed box. But when Fruity Pie isn’t looking, someone opens it – result in big revelations! In addition to the fun and imaginative setting of the show, this episode shines a spotlight on the lovely city of Paris, where we meet Frederic and his elephant, three talented apprentices, a drowsy koala clan, and the perilous Pirate Ship. Each segment delivers fascination and fun in hopes of giving children endless joy.


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