The Grass Beneath the Windmills
台灣 Taiwan 劇情 Fiction 2008 DigiBeta Color 80’
導演 Director | 李立劭 Lee Li-shao
4/2(五) 10:30信義威秀12廳
十歲的孩子"阿天"父母離婚,靠阿嬤一手將他帶大,但阿天在學校卻是令人頭痛的問題學生,連阿嬤也拿他沒辦法,只有中風的阿公願意聽他說話。 一天下午,他跑到海邊玩耍不慎摔落,被一位只有他才看得見的小男孩「大才」救了起來, 阿天和大才一見如故,因為認識了「大才」,阿天漸漸有了轉變。 可是好景不常,阿公去世,「大才」離開,最了解自己的家人與朋友相繼告別阿天,他要如何繼續接下來的生活?
Ten-year-old A-Tian lives with his grandmother in a small town by the sea. His parents are divorced, and he is a problem child at school – often with emotional outbursts and has been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). A social outcast, A-Tian’s only friends are his grandfather, who has suffered a stroke, and an imaginary friend named Benny who helps him through his loneliness and isolation.