The Yellow House–The Flower Queen
丹麥 Denmark 2009 DigiBeta Color 12’
導演 Directors | 凱瑟琳‧努茲 Catherine Kunze賈克‧威倫朵 Jacob Wellendorf
4/2(五) 19:20 誠品信義、4/4(日) 15:30 誠品信義
The Flower Queen is the second of five magical-realist stories about Chloe and Thea, two little girls who go off exploring their building in search of adventure in this Copenhagen housing block. Here, Chloe and Thea embark on an outdoor odyssey where they find different approaches to life – including the orderly janitor Bjorn who eradicates every weed in his path and his opposite "Paula the Flower Queen" who feels all should be protected.