Away from NAMASIA
台灣 Taiwan 紀錄片 Documentary 2009 DigiBeta Color 45’
導演 Director | 伍心瑜 Wu Hsin-yu
4/4(日) 13:00 誠品信義、4/5(一) 10:00信義威秀12廳
世界首映 World Premiere
莫拉克颱風重創了那瑪夏鄉的聯外道路,山上山下,成了遙不可及的兩端。 民生國小幸運躲過土石流的吞噬,依然完好, 但隨著開學的日子一天天逼近,要在山上還是山下開學卻引發爭議。 「山上」的民生國小,沒水沒電沒老師,如何繼續教育的路? 「山下」的民生國小,脫離了原鄉部落,寄居在陌生的環境異地開學,又會遇到什麼問題? 山上山下的距離,有多遙遠呢?
In August 2009, Typhoon Morakot struck the Namasia township, an aborigines village in the mountains of southern Taiwan. Landslides triggered damaged the road connecting Namasia to the rest of the world. Elementary school students were forced to leave their families and homes to continue their studies in the city. What problems did they encounter? How far is it between the village and the city?